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Tomasz Kozakowski


Aviation photography, known also as plane spotting, has been always an important part of my life. As a teenager I just liked watching different airplanes at my home airport and collected number of timetables as well as postcards published by airlines from all over the world. Back in mid-nineties I took my first photos using a pretty simple compact camera. Shortly afterwards I got my first Zenith with a telephoto lens. In 1996 my Swiss friend Romano invited me to Switzerland for my first plane-spotting trip. A year later I was happy to find work in the aviation industry and started to write articles about airlines, airports and aircraft as well as reports from different aviation events (including trips to find nearly forgotten airfields around ex-USSR countries). Since then I’ve been taking photos at 200+ airports and airfields and got more than 3000 photos published at different websites.


Today I’m not only industry professional working for one of Polish leading airlines, but also devoted civil aviation enthusiast. Whenever and wherever I can I take photos of different airliners, visit remote airports and I’m keen to learn aviation history that allows me to write (hopefully interesting) articles. In my private live, I’m a family man, happily married and proud of my daughter. I’m also very lucky as my both girls support me in my hobby and do not mind occasionally joining me while taking photos.

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